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Product details
File Size: 13980 KB
Print Length: 312 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (January 6, 2014)
Publication Date: January 6, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#959,038 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This book serves as a good introduction to Raspberry Pi, and Linux operating systems in general. It starts off by outlining the basic functionality of the Pi, including how to configure your Pi for different purposes, from server administration to Python programming, and even how to use it to manipulate hardware. The book is very well-written and easy to understand (as many Wiley books are), so even a complete beginner should have no problem learning with this book.The only downside to this book is that even though this edition was only published in 2014, it's already a little bit outdated, especially with the recent release of the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. You'll find that some of the commands listed in the book don't work 100% correctly, at least if you're using the most current version of Raspbian. However, a quick Google search of the problem, will turn up plenty of results on how to resolve the issues. Most of the time, it simply involves eliminating a word or two from a command, because it became obsolete between the time this edition was published and now.However, I would still recommend this book to anyone looking to start tinkering with a Raspberry Pi. I bought this book a few weeks ago, and with this book (and the help of a friend), I was able to quickly get a web server up and running where I am currently hosting a personal website, and I may even by another Pi to tinker around some more. I almost gave this book 3 stars due to the issues I had with some of the commands, but I think this book still functions as a good primer to the Raspberry Pi, and based on the quality of the content, deserved at least 4 stars.
This guide is well written and contains very useful information for anyone new to the world of RPi. Further, the Raspberry Pi is simply the most awesome little device that I've found in a very long time. I read recently a description of the RPi that called it a "Computer Set", analogous to a "Chemistry Set": building blocks to allow anyone of any age to learn and build and discover... all in a tiny, inexpensive package.I also purchased Raspberry Pi Hacks: Tips & Tools for Making Things with the Inexpensive Linux Computer which is an excellent resource beyond the basics.My full Raspberry Pi setup includes: - RASPBERRY PI MODEL B 756-8308 Raspberry Pi B - Edimax EW-7811Un 150 Mbps Wireless 11n Nano Size USB Adapter with EZmax Setup Wizard - Multicomp Clear Raspberry Pi Enclosure (MC-RP001-CLR) - SanDisk Ultra 8 GB SDHC Class 10 Flash Memory Card 30MB/s SDSDU-008G-U46 - AmazonBasics Wired Keyboard and Wired Mouse Bundle - AmazonBasics 7 Port USB 2.0 Hub with 5V/4A power adapter - SMAKN PL2303HX USB to TTL to UART RS232 COM Cable module Converter - USB to RS485 Converter Adapter ch340T chip Support 64-bit Win7 - GearMo® Mini USB to RS485 / RS422 Converter FTDI CHIP with Screw Terminals (I actually bought this RS484 adapter elsewhere, as it was rather expensive on amazon)Be sure to check out some of the online resources such as adafruit (great project ideas), as well as The MagPi (a very good, online RPi Magazine - free!)If you find yourself needing to login from your phone or kindle, be sure to check out the JuiceSSH app (you'll need to back load this onto the kindle after downloading from google play). Juice is a SSH telnet client. Very cool. Also - when you are ready to scale your linux project, be sure to check out the amazon aws! Create a virtual Linux machine from your browser on amazon servers!Overall, the Raspberry Pi is an awesome device, and this keyboard was the perfect addition! I hope it will inspire the new generation to learn more about the inner workings of computers. There are very cool online resources, with project ideas such as the adafruit Raspberry Pi WiFi Radio. If interested in RPi, be sure to check out the eLinux (dot org) web site, as it has a ton of great information on compatibility.I've been completely happy with my RPi & recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about computers!
Author drifts off topic such as devoting many pages describing how to solder components, or creating a game that fails to demonstrate I/O capabilities of the PI. Author spends too many pages/chapters on software that is not a clear tutorial of Python. A much better tutorial of the PI is available on the website and a much more comprehensive explanation of Python is available on the website. The book might be better with more basic code examples that demonstrate the many programming strengths of Python and their interactions with the PI. This book is too choppy for a beginner and not in enough depth for an advanced user. I suggest looking elsewhere for a tutorial.
I skimmed through the book in an evening. I have some familiarity with Linux, but not the Pi platform so I thought this would be a good intro. The book covers basics of the types of board(A/B), what is on the board, installing an OS, a little programing intro, some info on projects you can build, and additional parts/components you can buy. The book will give you enough detail to get started. It is not a step by step manual. It would make a good book for a younger reader who is just getting started with raspberry pi or someone a little older who is curious about the platform.
I just received my CanaKit Raspberry Pi starter kit and this User's Guide by Eben Upton. The book is very up to date and explained everything I needed to know and needed to do to get the Raspian Linux O/S installed on the Pi, and get the board fired up. The details in the book matched the board and the actual software screens exactly. I had read part of the book before the kit came. Using this book, I had the Pi up and running Raspian in the GUI mode with a display, mouse, keyboard, and wireless WiFi in less than an hour after opening the box. I am not new to computers or electronic hardware, but I had not used Linux in many years, and had never set up a Linux system ever before. I am extremely pleased with this book. It provides a balance of console commands and explanation of the GUI apps. It also gets you into programming Scratch and Python just a bit, and also into the GPIO hardware interfacing just a bit. Now that I am up and running, I will be seeking out some more detailed reference books on Linux. -pete
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